
Use cases

Examples of industrial applications (use cases) are crucial for the implementation of demonstrators in EuProGigant.  

A demonstrator is a technical system that takes an industrial problem and shows with which methods and innovative technologies the problem can be solved, offering a significant benefit for the industrial sector. The use case refers to the analysis of a specific process or procedure in the production of goods or commodities, which represents a central scientific and industrial problem with optimisation potential. In the first phase, EuProGiant starts with the defining the requirements and developing the use cases with the aim to detail the functional, overarching relationships in the value and learning ecosystem. In order to be able to identify and develop the synergies between the use cases, thematic fields must be defined, out of which the specific industrial applications will develop in an agile form of collaboration. In line with milestone planning in the project timeline, this will be completed by 31 November 2021.  


For the coordination and design of the use cases, EuProGigant has set up overarching thematic working groups. 


Their aim is to develop best practice examples of use cases in the network of value creation for companies in the European manufacturing industry. A working group is assigned to each topic, as defined at the start of the project. The structure of the working groups are not static, but can change in the course of the project depending on the status of the work or important issues that arise. The working groups are therefore open to participation by all interested project partners. The number of use cases can also vary during the course of the project, which is why the thematic working groups focus on the functional, cross-use case aspects. 

Digitalised production systems with smart software and hardware components lay the foundation for the use cases, which, in addition to data acquisition, also enable vertical data aggregation and even cloud technologies with the connection of a suitable data infrastructure. In addition to vertical integration, horizontal and cross-company networking of value chains also plays a major role. Horizontal networking is a success factor for cross-functional process optimisation of value chains in an ecosystem. The key element is the networking of cloud-based platforms. The importance of horizontal networking as a success factor for cross-functional process optimisation of the value chain was highlighted in a market study on the classification of corporate platforms in the Kopernikus project 

Figure 1: vertical integration – cross-use case project structure as the universal backbone of the project. Companies find their place along this vertical integration chain.

Characteristics of use cases in EuProGigant

While the production workers can concentrate on their core functions, the EuProGigant system takes care of the processing of data and the automatic adjustment of disruptions in the manufacturing process. It also informs the workers if the components or machines are not able to deal with these disruptions. 


In addition to data storage, the EuProGigant AI is an essential component in the overall concept. Via the self-orchestration functions which are to be developed, the data stream can be directly influenced by the AI itself. For the AI learning phase, first the raw data (big data) and subsequently the smart data (processed data) can be used. At the end of the project, the AI will be able to recognise disruptions in the production process and initiate appropriate countermeasures.    


Without the data from the components/machines directly connected to production, no effective control loops can be set up. New functionalities for cost-effective edge devices are being developed and equipped with powerful interfaces to collect the machine data. Existing standards will be used for this purpose as well. To ensure the security of the production data, solutions for the unique identification of each individual component will be specified and implemented. The ability of the functionalities to self-describe, rounds out the employed interfaces entirely in line with GAIA-X.  By documenting all of the developed interfaces and functions, the EuProGigant team is making an important contribution to the standardisation of data transmission and communication within highly connected manufacturing facilities.


In order to provide the data from the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), powerful and open interfaces are specified for this data. This expands the EuProGigant concept to include order, quality and resource data. As this data is often very sensitive, it can be configured very finely.   


These days everyone can agree that data is a commodity with significant valueFor manufacturers of complex products, information from the supply chain to the customer can be highly significant. Data analysts and AI model developers also need data. Thanks to Gaia-X, every participant in the EuProGigant system can offer their data for the appropriate demand through new digital business models. It is therefore in the interest of all companies involved in the project to develop a common understanding of data ownership and transfer in manufacturing. In EuProGigant a concept will be developed, compliant to Gaia-X, that provides the data trading platform that is needed for this

For projects of this size and with the number of partners involved, the regular review of interim results is crucial to the project’s success. By using newly developed disturbance generators, stress tests of the complete EuProGigant system are performed at the outset so that it is possible to identify where problems occur and new solutions have to be found at an early stage.


One of the greatest challenges of our time is the responsible resource use. Especially in the manufacturing of goods, large amounts of energy are consumed and sometimes wasted.  In the scope of the project, the measurement of the energy consumed is broken down to each part that is produced. This lays the foundation for intelligent energy management. By linking the energy data with all other data located in the EuProGigant cloud, new and far-reaching analysis functions are available. Once the energy analysis tool is operational, no production in which energy is wasted goes unidentified.


Figure 2: horizontal integration

Applications within the framework of EuProGigant

The use cases within EuProGigant focus on:  

  • Machine connectivity in vertical integration and machine-related data processing in innovative control loops with rule engines.  
  • Resilience in the value creation ecosystem: Distributed edge generates joint benefits at different points in the production, production control and business units.  
  • Multi-cloud connectivity: collaborative data processing to gain a deep understanding of conditions and make maintenance predictions or better decisions, e.g. using the right material with a lower carbon footprint in production. 

The seven working groups in EuProGigant are each assigned to one of either Industrial Research or Experimental Development, as part of the research and development of the project.  

Industrial research

Experimental development

Figure 3:cross-company, cascading value creation circle