Participating companies:

Project partners

The EuProGigant project consortium is made up of 22 project partners, 11 from Austria and 11 from Germany. Together they are developing the infrastructure of the European production giganet and contribute to the project’s various work packages.  

Among the project partners are twelve corporate partners, consisting of eight large companies and four SMEs, and four scientific partners. The partners develop and test the domain-specific demonstrator for the Gaia-X “Industry“ domain and are involved in research and technology transfer.  

Six partners make up the project’s steering committee. Scientific partners, SMEs and large companies from Austria and Germany are equally represented on the IT and production technology side. The Pilot Factory Industry 4.0 of the TU Wien and the PTW of the TU Darmstadt manage the project’s consortium. 

The project partners

A1 Digital International GmbH


Brinkhaus GmbH

Concircle Österreich GmbH

craftworks GmbH

deltaDAO AG

DigiCert Inc.

EIT Manufacturing Central gGmbH

EIT Manufacturing East GmbH

Haidlmair GmbH

Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH

IGH Infotec AG

MTU Aero Engines AG

Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 TU Wien

Plasser & Theurer GmbH

Posedio GmbH

PTW TU Darmstadt

SIMCON kunststofftechnische Software GmbH

Software AG

STARK Spannsysteme GmbH

voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH

WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG