
Organisational structure

Have you wondered how EuProGigant is structured as a research project with its various organisational bodies and committees? This page gives you an overview.

Organisational structure of EuProGigant

The project management is often also referred to as consortium management. Due to the binational nature of the project, there are both Austrian and German project management teams, carried out in both countries by the respective research institutions, Pilot Factory Industry 4.0 TU Wien and PTW TU Darmstadt. The consortium management coordinates the project and communicates with the project sponsors. The project is divided into two areas, “research and development” and ” exploitation of results and generating value” (also communication management). 

The research and development project area is managed by a steering committee, which is made up of equal numbers of representatives of the project partners from Austria and Germany and gives equal consideration to SMEs, large companies and scientific partners. The project partners work in thematic working groups according to the project plan with the aim of fulfilling work packages (WP) and milestones. The use cases in the value creation network developed within the framework of the project are assigned to one of the two sub-areas Industrial Research and Experimental Development (to the use cases). 

The project area exploitation of results and generating value (WP9), to which the advisory boards are assigned, deals with the project interaction with external partners. The advisory boards are an important part of the communication strategy when it comes to communicating results and addressing industry, methodological and social requirements. A special feature of the project is that the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Manufacturing is responsible for coordinating the advisory boards and communicating the results. 

Details on committees and work packages

The four groups of partners and committees in the project include 16 project partners (4 research partners, 12 industrial partners), more than 25 organisations in the industrial committee (constantly being expanded), 14 members in the international scientific advisory board and 24 members in the intergenerational advisory board (as of 01.06.2021). 

Each of the nine work packages are coordinated by a company from the group of project partners: 

  • WP1 Project management: Pilot Factory Industry 4.0 TU Wien and PTW TU Darmstadt. 
  • WP2 Transfer of the GAIA-X architecture: Software AG 
  • WP3 Development of an industry standard for high-frequency low-cost-based data acquisition: PTW TU Darmstadt
  • WP4 Development of Smart Integrated Devices (SID) to implement the business models: Stark Spannsysteme 
  • WP5 Elaboration of use cases: PTW TU Darmstadt 
  • WP6 Networking/data acquisition: Heller 
  • WP7 GAIA-X implementation: Software AG 
  • WP8 Service instantiation: Pilot Factory Industry 4.0 TU Vienna
  • WP9 Exploitation and generating value: EIT Manufacturing Central & East 


To ensure distribution of costs across the consortium, as required in the bilateral call for proposals, the following breakdown was calculated for the project duration March 2021 – February 2025: The German partners bear a cost share of 49 % of the total project costs applied for, the Austrian partners 51 %. All individual organisations have a lower cost share than the maximum upper limit of 70 % of the eligible project costs. 

Further details:  

  • Total project costs: EUR 8.6 million: 
    • Project costs AT: EUR 4,343,767 
    • Project costs DE: EUR 4,211,207 
  • Funding volume EUR 5.0 million: 
    • Funding Austria: EUR 2,483,858 
    • Funding Germany: EUR 2,493,922 – Research institutions’ share of eligible project costs: 26.80 % 
  • Research share of the project costs applied for: 
    • Austria: 26.31 % 
    • Germany: 27.30 % 
  • Personnel costs: EUR 7 million 
    • Costs by company type: 
    • SME: EUR 2,121,394 
    • Research: EUR 1,685,778 
    • Third-party costs: EUR 50,000 
    • Large enterprises: EUR 3,523,868 
    • EIT Manufacturing: EUR 606,592

Project Funding Organisation Germany: DLR – Division Society, Innovation, Technology 
Address: Heinrich-Konen-Straße 1, 54227 Bonn, GERMANY 

Project Funding Organisation Austria: Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) 
Address: Sensengasse 1, 1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA