

The lighthouse project for Gaia-X
in manufacturing

Smart and sovereign use
of data in manufacturing


… the research project European Production Giganet for calamity avoiding self-orchestration of value chain and learning ecosystems works on central questions related to “smart and sovereign use of data in manufacturing” and demonstrates how a highly networked production ecosystem can orchestrate itself, and be equipped with stabilising characteristics.

  • Austrian-German project consortium led by the Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 TU Wien and PTW TU Darmstadt
  • Duration: 01.03.2021 — 28.02.2025

  • Subsidised: ~ 5 Mio. Euro

At a glance

EuProGigant – The lighthouse project for Gaia-X in manufacturing

What does a data infrastructure that makes the European manufacturing industry more sovereign, performant, resilient and sustainable look like? EuProGigant, the Austrian-German lighthouse project for Gaia-X which is supported by 16 companies, universities and research institutes, is dedicated to answering this question. The consortium is aims for data-driven value creation and follows the principles of the European data infrastructure Gaia-X.

EuProGigant: Key Facts

0 years

The EuProGigant project runs from 1 March 2021 to 28 Fabruary 2025.

0 Mio. €

The total project budget amounts to € 8,555,000, of which € 4,978,00 was granted.

project partners

Among the 16 project partners are large enterprises, SMEs and start-ups from 9 locations in Austria and Germany.

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