Lesezeit: 6 Minuten


Dr. Verena Henrich, Software AG

Felix Hoffmann, PTW TU Darmstadt

On 22nd and 23rd September 2021, 18 project partners of the firms Software AG, Gebrüder Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH, concircle Österreich GmbH, craftworks GmbH, IGH Infotec AG, Brinkhaus GmbH, IFT TU Wien and PTW TU Darmstadt gathered for an internal hackathon organised by the TU Wien. The partners aimed to work on potential business models within the scope of EuProgigant, to develop a mutual understanding of the envisioned use cases and to carry them into an architectural model.



As this event was the first large in-person meeting for many project members, the hackathon was a good opportunity to get to know one another. The workshop, which was organised by the project members, offered a varied programme with presentations and discussions in smaller groups.

Starting point Gaia-X 

On both days, the participants welcomed Dr. Christoph Strnadl, VP Innovation and Architecture at Software AG, who is active in the technology workstream of Gaia-X. During the hackathon, his presentation provided the participants with an actual overview of Gaia-X activities and the current focus of discussions that were used as a starting point for discussions. Central to discussions were especially the identification and access management, the Federated Catalog, Gaia-X’s Self-Descriptions of data assets, service assets, resource assets and other participants such as providers and consumers, protocolls and container architectures. In constructive discussions, the team was able to take some important decsions for future project work.

Image 1: Presentation by Dr. Strnadle (Software AG) on the actual status of Gaia-X working groups
Image 2: Participants discussing potential data-based business models

Aiming for new business models 

In the thematic focus “business models”, multiple methods for the structural development of own services was presented and subsequently applied by participants. The project use cases were transferred into an appropriate concept. The results guide the way for the participants  towards the development of new business models using the principles of Gaia-X and build the foundations for future scientific publications in this area.

Another outcome of the workshop is the illustration of use cases in light of possible implementations. Building on these outcomes, an independent architecture was outlined and its conformity with Gaia-X principles evaluated. The participants also discussed, which Gaia-X Services should be implemented in which form.

With the successful outline of potential business models and use cases, the first internal hackathon serves as a  basis for the future project success.

Dr. Verena Henrich

Researcher, Software AG 

Dr. Verena Henrich studied Information Technology at the Burfsakademie Mannhein, Hochschule Darmstadt and the University of Reykjavik, Iceland. She subsequently obtained her docotral degree in Computer Linguistics at the Eberhard-Karls University in Tübingen. Following her doctorate, she worked as a software developer for IBM Watson Analytics for social media at IBM Deutschland Research und Development GmbH. Since 2019, Ms. Henrich is active in the research division of Software AG, working on nationally and European-funded research projects in the thematical areas Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things. Thanks to her background in computer linguistics, Ms. Henrich brings a wealth of experience in the processing of data and AI to the EuProGigant project.

Felix Hoffmann

Research Assistant, PTW TU Darmstadt 

Felix Hoffmann studied industrial engineering with a specialisation in mechanical engineering at the RWTH Aachen. Mr. Hoffmann has been a research assistant at the Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools (PTW) of the TU Darmstadt since 2019. There, he is active in the research group “data-supported value stream and business model innovation” and was already participated in nationally and regionally funded research projects in the areas of digitalisation and artificial intelligence. Within the scope of EuProGigant, Mr. Hoffmann is working on the development of data-based business models across use case.