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How can precise and robust industrial assets become smart machines and thus offer added value for customers and suppliers? This question will be addressed by the “Smart Machines” event series organized by the Handelskammer und Arbeitgebervereinigung Winterthur HAW (Chamber of Commerce and Employers’ Association). The German-language event is dedicated to topics such as “Smart Functions” and “Smart Services”.

Meet Dr Konrad Pfadenhauer – CEO and founder of concircle AT & CH – on 3 November at the Eulachhallen (Winterthur) and learn more about the possibilities for process optimisation through advanced sensor technology in connected machines – incl. interesting EuProGigant use cases.

As a system integrator, Concircle Schweiz AG is repeatedly confronted with the task of defining use cases for connected machines in production and implementing IT technology with industrial companies as part of “Digital Factory” projects. The spectrum ranges from simple runtime monitoring using sensors to measure power consumption up to complex research projects where completely new possibilities for process optimisation are created by means of extended sensors in the machine’s workspace. Especially this last use case we want to illustrate by the research project EuProGigant in the field of intelligent clamping devices in machine tools. – Dr Konrad Pfadenhauer

A program overview and further information can be found here.

Event-language: German