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The data economy is all the talk. Data spaces have the potential to drastically change the industrial landscape and allow for data-driven business models. It is important for companies to be aware of their opportunities and the challenges that the data economy can bring with it. In this interactive session hosted by EIT Manufacturing, we will deep dive into the example of a manufacturing data space and data ecosystem.

By the end of this workshop, you will have insights into what constitutes a data space, which roles companies will take on, why it is important for your company to prepare for data spacesnow, and which exercises you can do to make your business model fit for data spaces.

You can expect a varied workshop with:

  • A keynote outlining data spaces, federators, and the business model development exercises for a (manufacturing) data space
  • A panel discussion with participants representative of the roles companies take in a data space: data providers/consumer, dataanalytics providers/consumers, and infrastructure providers/consumers
  • A short interactive session in which you get some tools you need to adapt your business model.


Speaker & moderator:

  • Maxim L. Mommerency, MMSc, MA, Business Creation Manager at EIT Manufacturing East


  • Mag. Beatrix Kemfelja, Head of Center of Excellence at A1 Digital/Exoscale
  • Dr. Benjamin Mörzinger, Co-founder & CPO at nista.io
  • Albert Peci, BA, Co-founder & web3 Lead at deltaDAO AG

Workshop moderator:

  • Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kniejski, Senior Business Creation Manager at EIT Manufacturing Central