Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

05 August 2022

At the end of May 2022, Felix Hoffmann – responsible for the cross-sectional topic “Business Model Development” in the EuProGigant project – participated in the 3rd Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL) in Vancouver, Canada. The four-day event focused primarily on the topics of digitisation and data analysis in the context of industrial production and logistics.

CPSL 2022 was one of the first major in-person conferences in the field of production research taking place after a Covid break of almost three years. The conference offered a comprehensive and varied program with plenary presentations and discussion opportunities. More than 100 scientific papers were presented and discussed on the campus of the University of British Columbia in the western part of Vancouver.

Process model for the development of business models in the context of Gaia-X

One of these scientific papers was the concept for the development of Gaia-X-based business models presented by Felix Hoffmann, entitled “Developing Gaia-X Business Models for Production”. It describes the procedure from the initial problem definition to the customer-ready application. The focus of the presentation at the CPSL was on the initial business model development and presented excerpts of the procedure based on the two EuProGigant use cases “validation platform” and “ideal component matching”. The subsequent extensive exchange showed the high interest of the participants, including several points of contact with other research institutes and consortia that are also active in Gaia-X-related projects. As the only concept with a direct reference to Gaia-X, the paper presented by Felix Hoffmann again highlighted the pioneering role of EuProGigant.

You can access the paper “Developing GAIA-X Business Models for Production” in our Knowledge Hub or download it directly.