Participating companies:
Project partners
The EuProGigant project consortium is made up of 22 project partners, 11 from Austria and 11 from Germany. Together they are developing the infrastructure of the European production giganet and contribute to the project’s various work packages.
Among the project partners are twelve corporate partners, consisting of eight large companies and four SMEs, and four scientific partners. The partners develop and test the domain-specific demonstrator for the Gaia-X “Industry“ domain and are involved in research and technology transfer.
Six partners make up the project’s steering committee. Scientific partners, SMEs and large companies from Austria and Germany are equally represented on the IT and production technology side. The Pilot Factory Industry 4.0 of the TU Wien and the PTW of the TU Darmstadt manage the project’s consortium.
The project partners
A1 Digital International GmbH - Exoscale
Research partner AT
Contact: Beatrix Kemfelja
Role in EuProGigant: IT Provider, Data Analyst
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Service, Data and Cloud Service Provider, Federator
Other: Collaborator in the Gaia-X working groups
Exoscale, an A1 Digital product, offers cloud services focusing on simplicity, scalability, and security for SaaS businesses and web applications. With a simple and intuitive web administration interface, coupled with fixed pricing, Exoscale makes complex infrastructure concepts easy to implement. Exoscale focuses on fast and flexible self-service solutions for customers. At the same time, trustworthy and reliable infrastructure components ensure maximum scalability, reliability, and performance. Based in Lausanne, Switzerland, and with data centers throughout Switzerland, in Vienna, Frankfurt, Munich, and Sofia, Exoscale benefits from Swiss and European data protection regulations and therefore comply with all EU-GDPR guidelines.
A1 Digital International GmbH
Associated partner DE
Contact: Martin Hoyer
Role in EuProGigant: Machine Manufacturer
Role in Gaia-X: Participant, Service and Data Provider, Service Consumer
Brinkhaus GmbH
Research partner DE
Contact: Jan Brinkhaus
Role in EuProGigant: Data Analyst
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Service and Data Consumer, Service Provider, Cloud Service Consumer
Brinkhaus GmbH operates jump developments. The company focuses on edge computing and the automated monitoring of processes. The basis of projects is mostly the in-house embedded software Steam-Engine, which can read data from various sources and process, monitor, or forward it in a variety of ways.
Brinkhaus GmbH
Concircle Österreich GmbH
Contact: Clemens Neuwirth
Role in EuProGigant: Data Analyst, IT Provider
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Service Provider, Service Consumer, Cloud Service Consumer
Concircle Österreich GmbH is a consulting company for digitalization solutions especially in the areas of supply chain management, enterprise operations, and manufacturing. The main focus is on manufacturing companies. concircle’s goal is to strengthen the competitiveness of the European industry in particular through digitalization. Sustainable solutions create internationally recognized best-practice processes that increase convenience and efficiency and thus secure jobs. The headquarters are located in Vienna (Austria), with subsidiaries in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Bingen am Rhein (Germany).
Concircle Österreich GmbH
craftworks GmbH
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Simon Grabher
Role in EuProGigant: Data Analyst
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Service Provider, Data Consumer, Cloud Service Consumer
craftworks develops high level individual AI and software solutions for Predictive Quality and Predictive Maintenance in industrial companies.
Vision:We love innovation and believe digital technology should be at the core of every company in order to raise productivity and performance, thereby increasing profits and gaining competitive advantage. We make it our mission to discover challenges in companies and in their processes in order to solve them.
Approach: We cater to the needs of our clients with individual software solutions covering the entire value chain from big data infrastructures, development of machine learning models to customer-specific user interfaces. With the help of your industry knowledge and our expertise in working with data, we can easily adapt our solutions to different industries.
Technologies: We use a broad range of open source technologies depending on the individual use case in order to be very precise in our predictions. Our machine learning models have been awarded multiple times in competitions where our results had the highest accuracy. Other techniques such as natural language processing and computer vision help us to work with unstructured data.
craftworks GmbH
EIT Manufacturing IC Central gGmbH
Research partner DE
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Christian Bölling
Role in EuProGigant: Research-related Multiplier
Role in Gaia-X: Participant
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, and supports the development of dynamic pan-European partnerships. EIT Manufacturing is an innovation community of EIT, aiming at bringing European stakeholders focused on manufacturing together in innovation ecosystems that add unique value to European products, processes and services and inspire the creation of globally competitive and sustainable manufacturing. EIT Manufacturing Central gGmbH is one of the five Co-location Centers (IC) of EIT Manufacturing, located in Darmstadt, Germany. IC Central covers Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Ireland and Poland, the latter being classified as a RIS country with modest manufacturing innovation activity. IC Central works in close cooperation with its 18 full members from industry, research, and academia: Accell Group, ArcelorMittal, CONTACT Software, Festo, Kuka, Siemens, Stryker, P&G, Philips, Volkswagen, BIBA, DFKI, Fraunhofer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Braunschweig, TU Darmstadt, TU Delft, and UC Dublin. Furthermore, IC Central relies on a growing network of ecosystem partners, namely DIGIHUB Südbaden (Freiburg, Germany), HUB31 (Darmstadt, Germany), Provadis School of International Management and Technology (Frankfurt, Germany), and Smart Systems Hub (Dresden, Germany).
EIT Manufacturing Central gGmbH
EIT Manufacturing IC East GmbH
Research partner AT
Contact: Johannes Hunschofsky
Role in EuProGigant: Research-related Multiplier
Role in Gaia-X: Participant
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, and supports the development of dynamic pan-European partnerships. EIT Manufacturing is an innovation community of EIT, aiming at bringing European stakeholders focused on manufacturing together in innovation ecosystems that add unique value to European products, processes and services and inspire the creation of globally competitive and sustainable manufacturing. EIT Manufacturing East GmbH is one of the five Impact Centers (IC) of EIT Manufacturing, located in the Technology Center Seestadt in Vienna, Austria. IC East serves twelve countries in Central and Eastern Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. IC East works in close cooperation with its members from industry, research, and academia: Atos, the Czech Technical University in Prague, Joanneum Research, Jožef Stefan Institute, LMS – Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation, Magna, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Technical University Vienna, and voestalpine High Performance Metals, and its network partners AM-Austria and the Vienna Business Agency. EIT Manufacturing IC East is additionally supported by three Austrian Ministries as well as the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
EIT Manufacturing East GmbH
Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Research partner DE
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Werner Kirsten
Role in EuProGigant: Machine Manufacturer, Machine User, Provider for Machine Services, Validation and Qualification in Learning Ecosystems (Lehr- und Lernfabrik)
Role in Gaia-X: Participant, Data Provider, Service Consumer, Cloud Service Consumer
HELLER was founded in 1894 as a small craft business in Nurtingen (Germany) and celebtrated its 125th anniversary in 2019. As a global player today HELLER develops and produces innovative machine tools and production systems for metal-cutting processes with 2,600 people worldwide. Five production facilities in Europe, North and South America and in Asia ensure a reliable supply to our customers. Additionally, HELLER is represented in all major markets with 30 sales and service bases around the globe.
Our product range comprises 4 and 5 axis machining centres, mill/turning centres, machines for crankshafts and camshafts, flexible manufacturing systems and modular services. Among our customers are companies from the automotive industry and their suppliers, machine manufacturers, aerospace industry, power engineering, sub-contractors and many other industries. With HELLER4Industry, we are offering our customers an expanded solution range for the digitisation of production. It provides greater ease of use of the machine, optimal network integration and expanded functionalities and service possibilities.
Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH
IGH Infotec AG
Research partner DE
Contact: Torsten Dehnert
Role in EuProGigant: Data Analyst, IT Provider
Roll in Gaia-X: Participant, Service Provider, Service Consumer, Cloud Service Consumer
IGH Infotec AG was established more than 25 years ago. – Throughout these years, the company developed from a provider of specialized solutions in the logistics environment to a market leader for mobile data collection and MES systems with SAP ERP or S/4HANA in the DACH countries.
IGH Infotec AG
MTU Aero Engines AG
Research partner DE
Contact: Michael Unger
Role in EuProGigant: User
Role ib Gaia-X: Participant, Service and Data Provider, Service Consumer
MTU Aero Engines is Germany’s leading engine manufacturer and an established global player in the industry. It engages in the development, manufacture, marketing and support of commercial and military aircraft engines in all thrust and power categories and industrial gas turbines. The German manufacturer employs approximately 10,000 people overall and with its various affiliates and subsidiaries has a presence in all significant regions and markets worldwide. In the years ahead, MTU will focus its resources on its core business, seek stakes in emerging engine programs and expand its service offerings.
MTU Aero Engines AG
Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 TU Wien
Research partner AT
Contact: Dipl.-Chem. Dr.rer.nat. Claudia Schickling
Role in EuProGigant: Research-related Machine User, Data Analyst, Multiplier
Role in Gaia-X: Participant, Service Provider, Service Consumer, Cloud Service Consumer
The TU Wien Pilotfactory Industry 4.0, as a learning, innovation and demonstration factory for smart production and cyber-physical production systems, focuses on new concepts and solutions for a multi-variant serial production in the field of discrete manufacturing industry, which are typical for many Austrian companies. On approx. 900 m², the creation of a 3D printer is shown from the design to the mechanical parts production and assembly to the shipping to the end customer.
In the production area, robot-supported flexible manufacturing cells were combined with industrial robots. The realization of “Machine to Machine Communication” of these systems, which come from different manufacturers, was implemented. At the same time, an assembly and logistics landscape was created in the pilot factory, in which human employees are the focus. They are assisted and supported in their work by the latest Industry 4.0 technologies, such as various visual and digital assistance systems and by collaborative robots.
Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 TU Wien
Plasser & Theurer GmbH
Research partner AT
Contact: Gerald Lobner
Role in EuProGigant: User, Machine Manufacturer
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Service and Data Provider, Service Consumer
The Austrian family business Plasser & Theurer stands for cost-efficiency and innovation in track construction and maintenance. Employing around 1,900 members of staff, the company has supplied around 16,700 machines to 109 countries since 1953. Most of the machines are manufactured in the main factory in Linz. The machine offer covers almost all works to be performed when maintaining, laying and renewing railway tracks, ranging from simple tamping machines to 200 m long high-capacity machines. As a full-range supplier collaborating with 19 partner companies around the world, Plasser & Theurer offers comprehensive customer services, covering training, spare parts supply and technical service. With the introduction of the first fully electric tamping machine, Plasser & Theurer has proven its position as the technology leader in the global market for track maintenance machines.
Plasser & Theurer GmbH
PTW TU Darmstadt
Research partner DE
Contact: Viktor Berchtenbreiter
Role in EuProGigant: Research-realted Machine User, Data Analyst, Multiplier
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Service and Data Provider, Service Consumer
The production of the future is the focus of our activities. We develop technologies with enthusiasm, place them in the context of operational processes and enable people to act successfully in the production environment.
The Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools (PTW) is known for over 120 years of industry-oriented cutting-edge research in the field of production technology. The focus is on the machining of metallic materials, the construction and design of machine tools and components as well as process optimisation, production organisation and energy efficiency in manufacturing. With our experience and expertise in the field of production technology, we also advise, support and train numerous partners from industry and SMEs.
As a practice-oriented institute, we bring the current state of research into application in a variety of workshops and further training courses. From Industry 4.0 and lean production, to innovative manufacturing processes and measures to increase energy efficiency and flexibility, we offer a wide range of current topics.
As we see it, the development of holistic solutions for production is always based on the triad of people, technology and organisation. This requires depth in the respective specialist topics as well as broad fundamental qualifications in the entire field of production and interdisciplinary cooperation in the team at PTW. We achieve this technical depth in three research areas: production organisation, manufacturing technology and energy flexibility and efficiency.
PTW TU Darmstadt
Software AG
Research partner DE
Ansprechperson: Dr. Gerald Ristow
Role in EuProGigant: IT Provider
Role in GAIA-X: Participant, Cloud Service Provider, Service Provider, Resource Provider, Federator
Other: Member of the Gaia-X AISBL, collaborator in the Gaia-X working groups
Software AG is the software pioneer of a truly connected world. Since 1969, it has helped 10,000+ organizations use software to connect people, departments, systems and devices. Software AG empowers truly connected enterprises using integration & APIs, IoT & analytics and business & IT transformation. Software AG’s products establish a fluid flow of data that allows everything and everyone to work together. The company has more than 4,700 employees across more than 70 countries and annual revenue of over €800m, with the aim of exceeding €1bn by 2023.
Software AG
STARK Spannsysteme GmbH
Research partner AT
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Martin Greif
Role in EuProGigant: Data Analyst, IT Provider
Role in Gaia-X: Participant, Service Provider, Service Consumer, Cloud Service Consumer
STARK Spannsysteme GmbH – a company of the ROEMHELD Group. The high-tech company STARK Spannsysteme, founded in 1977, is considered a pioneer in the development and manufacture of zero point clamping systems and is the first company on the market to have specialised exclusively in this technology for decades.
Maximum quality and precision distinguish what is probably the most comprehensive product range in the field of highly productive workpiece clamping on the market. STARK components, products and systems make manufacturing more efficient and more flexible.
STARK Spannsysteme GmbH
WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Research partner AT
Contact: Stefan Hackl
Role in EuProGigant: User
Role im Gaia-X: Participant, Service and Data Provider, Service Consumer
WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG is the leading supplier in the field of complete machining. WFL is the only manufacturer worldwide that concentrates exclusively on the production of multifunctional complete machining centres. In many high-tech companies today, the trade name MILLTURN stands for the central machine tool for the production of complex components with the highest precision. The modular design of the MILLTURN centres and individual special solutions guarantee perfect adaptation to the relevant manufacturing task. With a MILLTURN, customers are not only purchasing a CNC machine that meets the very highest demands for quality and precision, they are also gaining an unbeatable competitive advantage. More than 30 years’ experience in complete machining and thousands of solutions guarantee that WFL customers will get the most efficient and reliable machinery. All machining technologies together in one machine Combining all machining and measuring operations into a single MILLTURN complete machining centre from WFL massively increases the efficiency of your manufacturing. The unique MILLTURNTM machine concept and turning-boring-milling unit with gearbox guarantees unparalleled chipping performance with the highest level of precision. An investment that pays dividends very quickly. WFL currently has over 20 different MILLTURN models available: With turning lengths from 1000 to 14000 mm and turning diameters from 520 to 2000 mm, an extensive range of workpieces can be machined completely. Almost all MILLTURN models are also available as counter spindle variants (with the identification – G).
WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG