Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

10 February 2022

Creating an exchange platform for various industries based on trust, transparency, and openness that is the goal of Gaia-X. The data infrastructure, which connects cloud service providers under one roof and one standard, currently has seven lighthouse projects. These were selected based on 13 criteria and play a pioneering role in driving digital transformation across various industries. One of them is EuProGiganta Austrian-German research project, which focuses on important questions about the independent and smart usage of data in manufacturing.

In the press release published on 31 January 2022 by Gaia-X, Markus Weber, Head of Research at PTW of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools of the Technical University of Darmstadt) and EuProGigant Project Coordinator Germany, informs about the goals for 2022 and shares some insights into the project’s mission: “Currently, our focus is on the transfer of the Gaia-X architecture to our production ecosystem and on the edge and cloud system architecture as important enablers for the Gaia-X component integration.” Until the end of the year, the project team will implement vertical data integration based on a low-cost, open-source solution approach. The edge system created for this purpose will be used to capture, process and route data while ensuring compliance with pre-defined access rights. 

“We see it as our mission to share partial steps and experiences on the way to the Gaia-X Go Live, especially with small and medium-sized companies, and to present them in a simple and clear way. Our goal is to show how we can make production across Europe more sovereign, resilient and sustainable”, added Markus Weber.  

Other lighthouse projects such as “Catena-X Automotive Network”, “Structura-X” or “Mobility Data Space (MDS)” are using the Gaia-X framework to create a platform for trustworthy and independent data exchange. 

For further info, please see the Gaia-X press release: https://www.gaia-x.eu/news/gaia-x-making-stride-navigating-digital-transformation-its-lighthouse-projects-targeting