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How to be Gaia-X compliant? That’s the main topic of the fourth edition of the upcoming Gaia-X Hackathon, which focuses on the approved, measurable set of rules needed to fulfil in order to be Gaia-X compliant.

Hackathon goals

  • Increase Gaia-X knowledge in the community, encourage collaboration and enable participants to make use of current open-source implementations and codebase
  • Develop tools for creating/validating Self-Descriptions
  • Usage and further development of the Gaia-X Compliance Service and Trust Framework
  • Check & validate Gaia-X state (in regards to architecture, specifications, technology, processes and general terms & conditions) via the creation of Gaia-X compliant federation services and service offerings leveraging Gaia-X architecture and projects

EuProGigant @ Gaia-X Hackathon #4

In collaboration with the web3 experts of deltaDAO AG, EuProGigant will participate in the event and contribute with examples to the development of Gaia-X compliant Self-Descriptions. Join the two-day online event to learn more about the Gaia-X Trust Framework and the Gaia-X projects.