GXFS Connect 2022
07. September 2022 - 08. September 2022
On 7th and 8th September, experts, opinion leaders and decision makers will share their knowledge and previous experiences at “GXFS Connect 2022”. During the two days event, the community will discuss why Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS) are key to achieving Gaia-X goals.
EuProGigant will be one of the participating Gaia-X lighthouse projects. Markus Weber (project coordinator EuProGigant DE) and Kai Meinke (Co-Founder and Business Lead deltaDAO AG) will share valuable insights and lessons learned about the project itself and the implementation of GXFS.
In exchange with the Gaia-X DE-HUB domains, participants will also learn about user requirements and how use cases, e.g. in the areas of Industry 4.0, mobility or health, are implemented.
Take the opportunity to exchange and discuss with the Gaia-X community in person.